Thursday, December 6, 2012

Finding vintage video games

When looking for old video games, a lot of people tend to go about it the wrong way. You should not be looking in used game stores because they charge entirely too much.

The best places to shop? Goodwill and other thrift stores.

Here are two awesome finds I've come across in the past month:
1. Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask and a Nintendo 64 at Goodwill
Total amount spent? Around 12 dollars. I DID have to buy the expansion pak from a separate store, but still a killer deal. The game guide was a nice touch. I've been playing it for weeks now!
2. Pokemon Red and Yellow from a store called "Stuff"
As you can see from the photo, I spent 4 dollars for both games. They usually go for a minimum of 20 a piece in used game stores. 

Now will you always get lucky doing this? No, probably not. I've been to both stores several times and sometimes I don't find anything video game related. They always have really good deals on other things though, and if you're into looking at random things then it's just a bonus when you find cool video games like this. 

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